Friday, June 11, 2010

Why Do You Need Neighbors In Birdland

Just like any fun social game on Facebook, Birdland gives you the opportunity to visit friends that also play the game. One of the best things about the neighbors here in Birdland is that you don't have to send out requests for neighbors - any of your friends that are already playing the game will automatically appear in your neighbors list! Of course, it doesn't hurt to send out a few more neighbors!

So why are neighbors important in Birdland? Well, there are several reasons why. The main one being that you can gain experience points and coins just by visiting your friend's cages daily. This is a great way to bump up your cash and your experience without doing much at all.

While you are visiting your neighbor's cages, make sure that you take the time to click on their treasure chest for your free coins. You can also earn a lot of experience just by helping them out. For example, you can refill their bird's food and water dishes earning experience points each time you do. You can also clean up their cage and show their birds some love. Everything that you do for their cage or their birds will earn you experience and sometimes coins as well. So, this can be an excellent way to help you level up - especially for those that are lower levels or those that are only a few experience points away from that next level.

Also, you will get special help requests from your neighbors while you're playing. These will have you help clean up your neighbor's cages, feed or water their birds, or even just give their birds some attention while they are gone. No matter what special help request you get, it will also earn you plenty of great experience and coins - which makes it well worth your time to answer these requests.

Another great reason that you will want to have plenty of neighbors is the fact that you can gift them special items and receive gifts from them as well. Some of these gifts include special feeders, toys, decorations, bird houses, and more that you cannot buy in the store. So, you want to give gifts so that you can receive them as well from you neighbors.

Curious on how to gain neighbors? Make sure that you check out the blogs on and add some of the players that have posted comments about the game. You can also send out neighbor requests by clicking on the "Call For Neighbors" under the toucan at the bottom left corner of your game screen. By adding more neighbors, you will find that you can easily start to level up faster than before and you'll gain some great goodies in the process!

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