Starting off in any game can make you feel like you'll never get to those higher levels where you can afford tons of great items and cool birds - especially when you have friends and neighbors that are super high levels. You wonder how they got there and what they did to get there so fast. Did they buy coins to level up? Do they know some secret that you don't know? Or are they playing 24/7 to level the way that they do?
The truth is that there are some simple things that you can easily do to really level your cages up and be able to purchase some awesome things from the shop. Want to know what they are? Here are some great tips that you can use to power level in Birdland:
1. Feed Your Birds: While this only gives you 1 experience point when you feed or water your birds, do it daily. It will help to boost you a little bit, especially when you have a lot of birds.
2. Clean Your Cage: This also helps to boost your experience points, even though it's just a small amount. Especially at lower levels, you will find that even those small experience points will help to boost your level quicker.
3. Visit Your Neighbors Daily: Normally, when you visit them, you will get some experience points and coins for doing so. You'll also get the chance to gather coins from their treasure chests as well as do other things to build up some experience.
4. Feed Your Neighbor's Birds: Every time that you fill one of their food or water bowls, you'll get 5 experience points. This can add up pretty fast, especially if they have a lot of birds in their cages that are all hungry. The easiest way to do this is to go around their cage once and fill up every bowl. Then, on the first one you filled up, click again and just keep clicking "Fill" every time it gets really low. You'll easily build up some great experience points by doing this.
5. Answer Calls For Help From Neighbors: Sometimes, even if you've already helped that neighbor today, you'll get a call for help in their cage. Always answer these calls, as it will easily gain you about 9 experience points and some coins. It's an excellent way to build up some experience points quickly.
6. Always Love Your Neighbor's Birds: When you click on their
unhappy birds, it will give you the option to give them some love. Under their health or happiness, it will say something like "I Love
Fala". Click that button and little hearts will appear around the bird. Once that is over, you'll gain 5 experience points per bird. If you have neighbors that have 20+ birds in one cage, you can easily earn over one hundred experience points by doing this. So never neglect your neighbor's birds - they can easily help you level up quickly.
Just make sure that you use these few little tips daily - or more - and you will easily find that it's not hard at all to power level in Birdland and be way ahead of your neighbors!
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