Friday, May 7, 2010

Making your Birds Happy- The Easy Way!

One of coolest new features in BirdLand helps keep your birds entertained. Have you ever logged on after being away a little while and found something that looks like this? A very messy cage full of unhappy birds, in desperate need of attention?

First things first, use the broom tool to clean things up a bit. Then make sure your birds are fed. Check the meters next to the gift box and the top of the screen to see just how hungry they are. A few days away, my birds were pretty closed to being starved! The happy meter is what we’re going to focus on today. If you just own a few birds, you can click each one individually to where it says “I love my parrot!”. This will cheer them up pretty quickly. If you have many birds though, this can take quite awhile and end up being boring!

A new feature in game has an easy fix for keeping your birds happy. Click on the “Shop” icon, and find the Accessories tab. Under the accessories tab look for the Bird Bubbles machine. This cage accessory costs feathers. If you don’t have enough for the big version, check out the mini version. Of course, you can always buy more feathers by clicking on the “Add More Coins and Cash” tab at the top of your screen. The bubble machine is located on the bottom row, in yellow (mini version), orange and purplish pink.

I decided to check out the orange version because I think it matches my cage pretty well. The effect was AMAZING. Almost instantly my birds were happy again and the cage will filled with beautiful, shiny bubbles. The soft bubble sound seemed to relax my parrots too, as they all huddled around and closed their eyes.