Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birlds of Birdland: The Violetear

The Violetear is a bery unique hummingbird that belongs to the genus Colibri. They are a larger species that is found in Mexico, as well as central and northern South America. In fact, the Green Violetear can even wander as far north as the United States, and sometimes Canada.

These hummingbirds have large, rounded tails and short to medium length black bills. Three of the four different species of Violetears have green plumage as their main color. The males will have a violet blue area running down their back starting from their eye, which stands out when they are excited as well as a beautiful, glittering throat patch. The female looks very close to the male, but the patches on their ears and throats are much smaller.

The Violetear builds a large cup nest that they lay only two white eggs into. They do have a very loud, persistent song, which usually is made up of several repetitions of double notes.

For those that live in the areas where they like to roam, they love artificial
nectar feeders and they are not fearful of humans at all. But, they are very agressively territorial to other hummingbirds and they will sometimes spend their time chasing off other hummingbirds from feeders, flowering shrubs, and more.

They are very beautiful hummingbirds and some that any bird watcher would love to see in their yards. Make sure that you have plenty of flowering shrubs around to attract hummingbirds and keep those pesky kitties out of your yard.

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