Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bird Diets: Seeds Vs. Pellets

When it comes to finding the right bird feed for your pet bird, how do you know what's the right type of feed for them: seeds or pellets? Well, let's take a look at both sides so that you can see what might be the best for your bird.

Now, keep in mind that in the wild, birds have a very large variety of what they can eat and they will not get that as a caged bird. Also, you should know that with just seeds or pellets, a bird cannot get the balanced nutrition that it needs like it will get in the wild. Pellets do a better job of providing a more balanced diet than just seeds do. But, either way, a bird's diet should always be supplemented with tons of fruit, vegetables, and other goodies that will help to ensure that they are getting the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that they require to be healthy.

Birds should be fed quality commercial pellets as a staple in their diets. They should also have a variety of fruits, veggies, and other greens on a daily basis as well. You can easily add in some seeds as a treat for them too, just make sure not to let them eat too many seeds - think of them more as "junk food" for your birds. If they are offered seeds on a daily basis instead of the healthy things that they need to eat, they will go for the seeds and that can lead to health problems in the long run for them.

When you take the time to make sure that they have a variety of different types of foods in their diet, your bird will be a much happier, healthier pet and will live a long time.


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