Sunday, July 11, 2010

Leveling Tips For Birdland

When it comes to leveling up, it can seem like you are either missing out on something or that you aren't doing enough. But, there are actually some easy things that you can do when you play that will gain you a lot of experience points - and coins - that will help you level up faster. Here are some tips to help you level faster:

1. Neighbors: This is key to leveling for many reasons. Basically, the more neighbors you have, the faster you'll level. Why? Well, because there is so much that you can do in your friend's cages that will not cost you anything at all but will grant you experience.

2. Visit your neighbors: When you do, there are several things that you can do every 24 hours. Here are the things that you want to make sure that you do every day in all of your neighbor's cages:
Clean their cages - you'll get 1 xp when you clean their cages, and
you'll have to click about 3-5 times to get the experience point when you use the broom tool.
Feed: when you feed your neighbor's birds, you'll get 1 xp for each time that you fill it. Of course, you'll have to fill it several times, so you can easily earn a ton of experience points just by doing this in each cage that your neighbors own.
Love: love their birds just like you do your own. This alone will gain you more experience points than anything else, as it gives you 5 xp each time that you love one of their birds.

3. Help Messages: Make sure that you don't pass any of these by when they pop up. They will give you an automatic 3 xp plus some other goods, like coins, and you can usually perform an action that you just did in a neighbor's cage.

4. Buy items: When you purchase new items from the store, you'll gain experience points. So, don't pass up sprucing up your cages when you can.

5. Play the mini game: You can play the mini game several times throughout the day, so make sure that you do so you can gain both coins and experience points from doing so. Make sure that you check out our other posts here about the Kitchen game.

These five tips will help you a ton if you do them daily - or more, for those that will allow you. They will all help you gain more experience fast so that you can easily level up quickly in Birdland. You'll also want to check out our post on where to find experience points in Birdland.

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