Thursday, July 15, 2010

Earning Coins With Normal Activities In Birdland

Want to earn more coins in Birdland so you can buy bigger and better birds, cages, and goodies? Of course you do, and we want to help you out. Here are some of the different things that you can do in Birdland so that you'll gain coins just from every day things:

1. Breeding birds: While breeding itself doesn't make you any coins, selling
the adult birds later will. For example, if you breed two love birds together and then let the baby grow to an adult, you can easily make over 1000 coins per bird you sell. The trick is to breed as often as you can and breed all of the different birds that you own. The different colors will help the sale proceeds as well.

2.Cleanliness is next to coin-ness: Each day, clean your cages then visit neighbors and clean theirs. Just cleaning your neighbor's cages can earn you a decent amount of coins each day, depending on how many neighbors you have!

3.Treasure chests: Make sure that you log in daily to get your treasure chest bonus and visit your friends to gather theirs too! This is an excellent way to make a lot of coins without doing anything at all.

4. Neighbors: You want to have as many neighbors as possible so that you can visit them and help out. When you get a help request, make sure that you accept it and that you make sure that you do whatever the pop up asked to you - such as loving their birds, feeding them, and so on. Also, you will want to do other things while you're there too!

5. Feeding: Feeding your birds will cost you coins, but yield experience. So, while you're at your neighbor's cages, feed their birds completely in all of their cages. This will earn you both experience and coins. Don't pass up any of their other cages, make sure you get them all.

Do these five things daily and you'll start to see your coins build up and up and up!

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