Sunday, August 1, 2010

How To Boost Your Bird's Diet At Home

Sure, it's easy to go out and buy a bag or box of bird feed, throw it in the dish and be done. But, just like humans, birds need variety and some extra boosts to their diet to help keep them healthy and happy. Believe it or not, but there are plenty of "human" foods that are good for your birds. Here are some tips that will help you boost your bird's diet at home without doing a lot of extra work:

Boost Tip #1: Raw is better than cooked - When feeding fresh fruits and
vegetables to a bird, offer them raw. Cooking drains the food of precious nutrients that could benefit your feathered friend. Check with your vet, online, or with your local pet store to see what types of fresh fruits and veggies your particular breed of bird likes best.

Boost Tip #2: Skip the seasonings - Although a little crushed pepper usually doesn't hurt, salt some other seasonings can be extremely harmful to a pet bird. It's best to leave the flavor as nature intended it - your bird will love it!

Boost Tip #3: If cooking, cook wisely - If you do choose to feed your bird
a cooked dish, pasta, for example, make sure to prepare it in cookware that does not have a non-stick coating. Stainless steel is preferred, as it won't contaminate the food.

Boost Tip #4: Make sure the foods you offer aren't poisonous to birds - There are, in fact, some "people foods" that are toxic to pet birds, and should never be offered, not even as a treat. Be sure to know what these foods are so that you never serve them to your feathered friend.

Boost Tip #5: Introduce fresh foods slowly - Some pet birds, particularly those used to seed and pellet diets, may not be interested in fresh foods right away. When introducing new foods, be sure to offer your bird his regular diet as well, to prevent possible weight loss and illness.

Simply follow these boost tips and it won't be long before you are boosting your bird's diet, health, and happiness in a safe way that they will love.

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